1. Pay $99 then Book New Patient on Acacia website
Select Byndie Warrick or Doctor – Guest – Time – New Patient – book New $99
– Book Name, address, mobile, Medicare…
– Health engine email confirms booking
Now complete Patient Form
add Medicare +/or Health Identifier (internationals) call IHI 1800 723 471 (faster set up + activation)
– medical condition, treatment to cannabis consent
2. We need access My Health record to view condition and medicines call for faster setup https://my.gov.au/
3. Nurse Practitioner +/or Doctor calls day of appointment
– Health engine email confirms appointment
4. Call 300+ RRP Pharmacies to order then collect or Ship Medications
– add address search for closest pharmacy to email or SMS eScripts
5. 1st Month Review Pay then Book $60 (8 scripts) on Acacia website
– clinic very busy pay and book Review $60 7 days in advance
– all scripts expire 6 months
Discuss with Practitioner gram per month (90g max)
– depends on condition, response to medical cannabis and prior treatments
Next Review 2-3 Months $60 (8 scripts) or $90 (14 scripts)
Pay and book when you have last script to reduce delays on Acacia website
– clinic very busy pay and book Review $60 or $90 7 days in advance